The International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership has named Elaine as their 2023 LIVING LEGEND. The award was presented at their 76th annual conference held at Central Florida University in Orlando, Florida. Join Elaine and her family in a great big bravo!

Professional Development Opportunities 

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Stoked-Up Teachers:  Reinvigorating and Retaining World-Class Teachers!

TExES 268 Prep Webinar

                                    Online preparation for the TExES 268 Principal Exam

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"Exciting news! We are thrilled to announce that Elaine L. Wilmore Leadership Initiatives is now listed on SchoolAndCollegeListings, a leading online directory for educational institutions. Visit our listing at to explore our comprehensive educational programs, dedicated faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and student success stories. Discover why we're the perfect choice for nurturing young minds and providing quality education. Help us spread the word! Share our listing with your friends, family, and community. Your support means the world to us. Together, let's empower more students and shape a brighter future. #Education #Learning #SchoolAndCollegeListings"

Dr. Elaine Wilmore